Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Morn

This is what my weekend looked like. This is what the entire month of June may end up looking like! Good Lord a person can accumulate a bunch of stuff! I thought I would have a yard sale when all was said and done but I've decided I'm just going to donate to "goodwill" that which can be recycled and toss the rest into the "hopper." The end.

I am still not at ease moving away from my grandsons, I'm trying but it's not getting any easier. I feel somewhat selfish making this move because it is for me and me alone. Granted, I am bringing my boys along, only one of which has to go (he's 15 yrs. old), the other two have decided to come along on their own but this move is simply to make my life easier, less stressful. I need a place of peace, a slower pace so that I can tap into all of the energy necessary to beat this cancer - again. It almost killed me the last go 'round and I have to be on my toes. I know this. In the meantime I have children and grandchildren to think of and I suppose what upsets me the most is the fact that I feel like for the first time in their lives I'm putting myself before my children but I'm not really, that wasn't my intent. I just have to get better so I can continue tending to them, being with them.. I hope one day they understand.


WELCOME TO GROOVY GRAM'S!. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino