Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Maternal Grandma - (Grandma Micki)

I thought that since this blog is about Groovy Grams I would start by introducing my own Grandma and the life lessons she taught me.

My maternal Grandma was a very petite, blond, blue eyed beauty standing all of 4'11" tall. Her genealogy traces back to the kings and queens of England and Scotland and the subsequent generations that arrived via the "Mayflower." My Grandma's immediate roots however were in the southern United States. She was one of 8 children born in Delwood, Illinois. Both of her parents had passed away by the time she was 12 yrs. old. At that time my Grandma would live house to house of her older brothers and sisters, wherever and whenever she was needed, i.e., a new birth or housekeeping.

My Grandma married for the first time at the age of 16 and had 3 children. It was an abusive relationship and when my Grandma went to the dr. in labor with her 3rd child, her dr. then advised her to leave her husband. - The doctor had never delivered a child who's Mother had the imprint of a work boot on their lower back. - My Grandma took his advise, albeit 4 years later and left town, walking, with her two daughters and one suitcase. Unfortunately she was forced to leave her only son behind with her husband. Her only son would drown 5 yrs. later at the age of 9.

My Grandma eventually moved to Michigan to find work leaving her two daughters behind with friends of the family. As soon as my Grandma found work and a suitable home for her daughters, she sent for them.

My Grandma married for the 2nd time when she was 29 yrs. old. This too was an abusive relationship, a divorce soon followed only to have a remarriage to the same man only 5 years later and again, a divorce. Another marriage, another divorce and finally her last marriage which lasted to her death.

An interesting note here: In between the multiple marriages and divorces there was an engagement to one of the Dodge brothers, yes, the automotive company family of Dodge but my Grandma in her infinite wisdom, broke off the engagement stating her "beloved" was crazy, she walked away from it all and kept the engagement ring. As it turned out that same Dodge brother became engaged to another woman, took her out on his boat and tried to kill her and himself by setting the boat aflame. My Grandma used her engagement ring to buy her first home and open up her first of two restaurants.

My Grandma was a single Mom when it was practically unheard of unless your husband happened to die. She supported herself and her two daughters working in a local funeral home and the GM office before becoming completely self sufficient and independent with the opening of her restaurants. My Grandma had a house on the lake and the first television in the neighborhood. Not bad for a single Mom back in the day.

My fondest memories of my Grandma are the elaborate meals - feasts - she would prepare for the holidays with all the family gathered round. She was an amazing cook. She had the best toy box behind her recliner and we never sat on a sofa or a couch, it was the "davenport."

Words to live by from Grandma Micki:
"If you can't find a man with a million dollars, find a million men with a dollar a piece."

***I would love to hear your memories about your Grandparents! Please share!***


WELCOME TO GROOVY GRAM'S!. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino