Monday, May 25, 2009

Today I was blessed to be able to spend some time with my daughter Erica and her lit'l boy Aidan. What a wonderful time we had playing and talking and exploring around outside. Erica and Aidan both are such joys to be around, always up beat, happy and playful. I don't get as much "MiMi" time with Aidan as I do with my other grandson, due to visitation and custody issues (Aidan was born of our hearts, my daughter's fiance' brought him into the family), so I really cherish our time together. Today was a gift, perfect in every way.

Aidan discovering a "secret passageway" thru the flowering bushes... I have no idea what this bush is called? Any gardeners out there care to enlighten me? I would love to know!


WELCOME TO GROOVY GRAM'S!. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino